Do you sign up for courses but never finish them?
At the same time, you don't have the space for one to one coaching right now, so you are looking for something different. Or perhaps your project/problem is of a nature that doesn't warrant as big an investment as a VIP one to one coaching package. I get it. For activities such as writing a book or launching a podcast, which are not as income generating as other activities, you want to be savvy with your money.
Not only do I understand, I have something for you.
The Get It Done Package is a hybrid product that combines an evergreen course (we will come to what is available in a minute) with an online dedicated space where you can get online mentoring and accountability so you are sure to complete the course.
And it rocks!!!
Finally you are not just going to complete an online training course but you are going to get one to one guidance and prompts to help you complete it, without spending £5,000 into high end coaching.
To secure your online package, click here (only two available)
Make sure you read my terms and conditions (Payment for the package implies you accept them) Click here to download

With Ange's wisdom and support, I've been able to start writing my book this year. It's both personally and professionally exciting, invigorating and eye-opening. I feel like writing this book is going to change so much for me.
I've been wanting to do it for years, but is only with Ange's support that I feel like I CAN do this. If you've ever dreamed of writing a book, whether just for yourself or to share with with world, I can't recommend Ange highly enough. Her compassion, wisdom and practical advice are invaluable.
(And, my business is thriving as I make this a priority - so don't think you don't have the time or the energy. Your book will bring so much to your biz!)
Isiah McKimmie
Couple Therapist, Sexologist and Coach

When I found Ange two years ago she revolutionised the way I did business. Up until then I had been following experts but their methods weren’t working for my business. Ange showed me how to follow my intuition and connect to my spirit guides, which have been THE most valuable tools I’ve learnt so far in business, but also very useful for everyday life. As working on my own, I was struggling to keep motivated, and I was getting delayed by making decisions. Her support has enabled me to focus on the next thing, and go for it! I’m building my business slowly around my kids and the online package is a super affordable way to get access to Ange's wisdom. I actually couldn’t believe it when she told me the price, it’s SUCH good value! Ange keeps me accountable, and is there as a sounding board to making those decisions and help me move forward in my business. She has a beautiful energy, and is wise and funny, as well as being amazing at business and intuition. You couldn’t ask for a better mentor! If I hadn’t met her, I probably would’ve given up on my business ages ago. If you are thinking about hiring Ange, I would say go for it, you won’t regret it!
Caroline Scott
Abundant edible gardens
What clients do I work with?
Ambitious entrepreneurs who are aware that their mindset can sometimes trip them up and who need someone in their camp to cheer them and support them through the mind wobbles.
People who want success on their terms without having to sacrifice their health, families, relationships or sanity.
People who have an open mind and who would like to think that we have a soul and that there is something bigger than us at play but who don't want to subscribe to organised religions. People who want to create their own spiritual blueprints to light up every aspect of theirs lives.
My Get it done package can make a real difference
Make sure you read my terms and conditions (Payment for the package implies you accept them) Click here to download