Do you want to create a five-day challenge but don't know where to start?
Five-day challenges remain the most effective in creating know like and trust for your audience as well as establishing you as an expert in your field. They require you to know your ideal client in exquisite detail and know what they need help with. But there is so much more to it.
I have been helping clients with niching intuitively, by connecting to the energy of their business, for years.
I have also ran challenges for years. My first signature five-day challenge, when I was a book coach, made such an impact on its participants that I had one of them contact me five years later to share how it had helped them write their book.
When I created my second signature five-day challenge in 2020, I made £5,000 in sales, something I had never achieved before. And that was from making just a few tweaks to the challenge format I had used when I was a book coach.
Let me help you create a challenge that feels aligned but more importantly fun and that allows you to sell without selling, as participants experience what it is like to work with you and naturally buy from you with very little sales tactics needed in order for that to happen.
The investment is £600

I did the kickstarter session with Ange earlier this month and it didn’t disappoint! We had an hour session at the beginning followed by various interactions and messages on the 2 weeks that followed with a half hour session at the end. Ange is so helpful and knowledgeable and has really helped me to fine tune my audience and message as well as thinking of other opportunities open to me in the future. This really was brilliant and I will definitely do it again in the future !!
Pascale Lane
Therapeutic Confidence and Relationship Coach
What clients do I work with?
Ambitious entrepreneurs with big visions who know that intellect and hard work are not enough to get their vision off the ground because it requires groundbreaking thinking.
People who yearn to experience magic in their entire life, including business and who want to leverage the law of attraction so that they can have it all: a successful business, a happy family life, friends, hobbies, health and more.
People who want to leave the world a better place than they found it and who know that being an entrepreneur gives them an advantage in making things happen in a positive way.
People who do not buy into the stories that divide people around money, gender, race, religion, beliefs, sexual orientation, body shape and health.
People who have an open mind and who would like to think that there is something after death and that we have a soul. Maybe even that their business has a soul too. And that we all have a purpose and who are keen to embody theirs so that they can look back on their lives at the end and feel complete.

There has been such an energy shift since doing your kick start package. I love what you do, how you do it, your skill, knowledge, intuition, and generosity of spirit being led by our guides. I am looking forward to seeing where this all goes over the next couple of weeks with you in your Week Kickstart package defining my niche market and creating a free FB challenge.
Chantal Vanderhaeghen
Mind Body Spirit Therapist